
Make sure to install additional peer dependencies needed to use Waffle ENS tools.

yarn add --dev @ensdomains/ens@^0.4.4 @ensdomains/resolver@^0.2.4
npm install --save-dev @ensdomains/ens@^0.4.4 @ensdomains/resolver@^0.2.4

Creating a ENS

Creating a simple ENS for testing with ENS.

import {MockProvider} from '@ethereum-waffle/provider';
import {deployENS, ENS} from '@ethereum-waffle/ens';

const provider = new MockProvider();
const [wallet] = provider.getWallets();
const ens: ENS = await deployENS(wallet);

This class takes a wallet in the constructor. The wallet available in MockProvider class in package @ethereum-waffle/provider.

Setup ENS


The feature was introduced in Waffle 3.0.0

Also, if you use MockProvider, you can use setupENS() function in MockProvider, to create and setup simple ENS.

import {MockProvider} from '@ethereum-waffle/provider';

const provider = new MockProvider();
await provider.setupENS();
await provider.ens.createTopLevelDomain('test');

setupENS() method employs the last of the provider’s wallets by default, but you can pass your own wallet as an argument for setupENS(wallet).

Also setupENS() method saves ENS address in the provider’s networks.

Creating top level domain

Use createTopLevelDomain function to create a top level domain:

await ens.createTopLevelDomain('test');

Creating sub domain

Use createSubDomain function for creating a sub domain:

await ens.createSubDomain('ethworks.test');

Creating sub domain with options


The feature was introduced in Waffle 3.0.0

It is also possible to create a sub domain recursively, if the top domain doesn’t exist, by specifying the appropriate option:

await ens.createSubDomain('waffle.ethworks.tld', {recursive: true});

Setting address

Use setAddress function for setting address for the domain:

await ensBuilder.setAddress('vlad.ethworks.test', '0x001...03');

Setting address with options


The feature was introduced in Waffle 3.0.0

It is also possible to set an address for domain recursively, if the domain doesn’t exist, by specifying the appropriate option:

await ens.setAddress('vlad.waffle.ethworks.tld', '0x001...03', {recursive: true});

Use setAddressWithReverse function for setting address for the domain and make this domain reverse. Add recursive option if the domain doesn’t exist:

await ens.setAddressWithReverse('vlad.ethworks.tld', wallet, {recursive: true});